Posted by : Anwar Hossain
Category : c # basic tutorial

Store C sharp reference type in a List C#

Dear viewers in this tutorial I will show how to store reference type data into c sharp List. We know a list of item can be accessed by indexed and has many functions and properties. In this example I have created a class named Employee and created necessary properties. Now I have used List Add function to add Employee information. After adding Employee information I have also shown how to use properties and functions of List.

Store C Sharp reference type in a List C#

Store C # reference type in a List C#

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace ListReference



    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)



            List<Employee> EmployeeList = new List<Employee>();

            EmployeeList.Add(new Employee("Iqbal Hossain", "08159965875", "Noakhali", 25000));

            EmployeeList.Add(new Employee("Zabed Hossain", "08159955875", "Dhaka", 50000));

            EmployeeList.Add(new Employee("Samsul Hossain", "08159565875", "Chittagong",22000));

            EmployeeList.Add(new Employee("Rahim Akhter", "08159965845", "Rajshai",16000));

            EmployeeList.Add(new Employee("Roman Hossain", "08159965812", "Rajshai",22000));

            EmployeeList.Add(new Employee("Jamal Hossain", "08159965865", "Chandpur",23000));

            EmployeeList.Add(new Employee("Prince  Hossain", "0815976875", "Noakhali",50000));      

            Console.WriteLine("Employee List ");



            foreach (var employee in EmployeeList)


                Console.WriteLine("Employee List : {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", employee.EmployeeName, employee.EmployeePhone, employee.EmployeeAddress,employee.EmployeeSalery);




            Console.WriteLine("Count Eemployee  ");


            Console.WriteLine("\n There are: {0}, {1}", EmployeeList.Count,"Employees available ");








    public class  Employee


        private string employeeName;

        private string employeePhone;

        private string employeeAddress;

        private double employeeSalery;



        public Employee(string employeeName, string employeePhone, string employeeAddress, double employeeSalery)


            this.employeeName = employeeName;

            this.employeePhone = employeePhone;

            this.employeeAddress = employeeAddress;

            this.employeeSalery = employeeSalery;




        public string EmployeeName


            get { return employeeName; }

            set { employeeName = value; }



        public string EmployeePhone


            get { return employeePhone; }

            set { employeePhone = value; }


        public string EmployeeAddress


            get { return employeeAddress; }

            set { employeeAddress = value; }


        public double EmployeeSalery


            get { return employeeSalery; }

            set { employeeSalery = value; }






Out Put


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