Posted by :  Anwar Hossain
Category  :  Basic sql tutorial for Beginner

How to use MIN () Aggregate Function

Dear viewer I will show how to use MIN () Aggregate Function. MIN () Aggregate Function is used to find the lowest or minimum value from the selected column of a table. By using MIN () aggregate function I will find the lowest given salary of  Employee table.

Find MIN Value in MS SQL server

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Posted by :  Anwar Hossain
Category  :  Basic sql tutorial for Beginner

How to use MAX () Aggregate Function

Dear viewer I will show how to use MAX () Aggregate function. MAX () Aggregate function is used to find the largest or highest value from the selected column of a table. By using MAX () Aggregate function I will find the highest given salary of Employee table.

Find MAX Value in MS SQL server

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Posted by :  Anwar Hossain
Category  :  Basic sql tutorial for Beginner

How to use SUM () aggregate function

Dear viewer I will show how to use SUM () aggregate function. SUM () aggregate function return the total value of any numeric column that means a single sum value result return. In this solution I have used two table one Department table and another Employee I will find total salary according to Department wise .Such as total salary of production department.

Sum Example in MS SQL server

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Posted by :  Anwar Hossain
Category  :  Basic sql tutorial for Beginner

how to use AVG () aggregate function

Dear viewer I will show how to use AVG () aggregate function. AVG () aggregate function return the average value of any numeric column that means a single result return. In this solution I have used two table one Department table and another Employee I will find average salary according to Department wise.Such as average salary of production department.

Average Example in MS SQL server

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Posted by :  Anwar Hossain
Category  :  Basic sql tutorial for Beginner

How to use sql alies for sql table

Dear viewer I will show how to use SQL Allies. SQL Allies are given for rename table column and table name .Generally meaning full Allies names are given for table and table column name so that anyone can understand the table and table column column easily. Most of the SQL Allies are used for aggregate functions column name so that it can be easily understand .Besides at the time of different types of table joining table Column name Allies is very useful.

SQL Allies Example in SQL server

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Posted by :  Anwar Hossain
Category  :  Basic sql tutorial for Beginner

SQL BETWEEN Operators for retrieving range values

Dear viewer I will show how to use SQL BETWEEN Operators. SQL BETWEEN Operator is used to select values within a range. Values can be text, date and numbers. On the other hand NOT Keywords can be used with SQL BETWEEN Operator .First I will find values using date value then money value text value and others example.

SQL BETWEEN examples in SQL server

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Posted by :  Anwar Hossain
Category  :  Basic sql tutorial for Beginner

FULL OUTER JOIN using two tables in SQL server

Dear viewer I will show to build FULL OUTER JOIN between two tables. By using The SQL FULL OUTER JOIN return all rows from left and right table in this case there is no need to match in the right and left table row. So we can say FULL OUTER JOIN means return all row from left table and right table and matched or unmatched row is returned from left right table and blank row is displayed as null.

FULL OUTER JOIN example in SQL server

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Posted by :  Anwar Hossain
Category  :  Basic sql tutorial for Beginner

LEFT JOIN using two tables in SQL server

Dear viewer I will show to create LEFT JOIN between two tables. By using The SQL LEFT JOIN return all rows from left table in this case there is no need to match in the right table row. So we can say LEFT JOIN means return all row from left table and only matched row is returned from right table and blank row is displayed as null.

LEFT JOIN example in SQL server

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Posted by :  Anwar Hossain
Category  :  Basic sql tutorial for Beginner

How to join two table in sql server

Dear viewer I will show to join two tables based on the relation of two tables. SQL Server join is performed using join keyword and using on keywords. Hear for example I have created two tables which are related to each other that means parent and child table relationship. The parent table name is Department and child table name is Employee .Hear ID is the primary key of Department table which is known as primary column .This DepId is also known as a foreign key for Employee table.

SQL Join example

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