Posted by : Anwar Hossain
Category : c # basic tutorial

C Sharp String Class Example

Dear viewer's in this tutorial I will explain how to use or work string data type in C#. string data type represents Unicode Characters . The string class provides a lot of methods and properties to work with strings type data.. String type data can be a combination of any letter , numbers, and character .To declare a string type data we need to use string key word .Double Quotes is used for enclosing the value of string type data.
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C Sharp String Class Example

C Sharp String Class Example

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Collections;


namespace Csharp_String


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)




            Console.WriteLine("\n\n==String Class Sample ==n");


           String EmployeeName = "Roman Mozomdar";

           String  ID = "00001";

           String Salery  = "50000.50";


           char[] chars = { 'I', 'Q', 'B', 'A', 'L'};

           string StudentName = new string(chars);



           Console.WriteLine("\n Employee Name: {0}", EmployeeName);


           Console.WriteLine("\n ID: {0}", ID);


           Console.WriteLine("\n Salery: {0}", Salery);


           Console.WriteLine("\n {0}", StudentName);     














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